The department of neurosurgery within our network of facilities is globally renowned for its exceptional expertise in specialized areas, attracting referrals from around the world. Over 700 elective and emergency operations are performed each year.
- We work with the only medical facility in the Middle East that treats patients over the age of 80 for stroke. In January 2018, a 99-year-old patient underwent a similar operation.
- Among the first to use the world’s most powerful operating microscope KINEVO 900, the device which allows to see in 3D the smallest tumors and blood vessels. Its implementation has significantly advanced world’s neurosurgery.
- We work with the only medical institution in the world that uses a special admission protocol, which allows the patient to do CT or MRI scan right away and begin treatment in just 30 minutes from the moment of admission to the department.
- Our neurosurgeons treat newborns, starting from the moment of their birth, and the elderly of almost any age.
In recent years emphasis has been placed on super-specialization and a multidisciplinary approach. This has resulted in an additional advantage – the ability to cope with the entire spectrum of neurosurgical pathologies.
- Pituitary adenoma
- Parkinson
- Birth defects of the skull
- Congenital malformations of the blood vessels of the brai
- Hydrocephalus
- Stroke
- Craniosynostosis
- Brain and CNS tumors
- Tumors of the spine in children
- Pituitary cancer
- Cancer of the spine
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Epilepsy
Surgical techniques are very diverse, in each case the type of impact is accurately selected by a multidisciplinary council of leading doctors: neurosurgeons, radiologists, rehabilitation specialists and experts in other medical fields, involved depending on the type of disease.
Endovascular neurosurgery
Endovascular neurosurgery is at a very high level. This is a relatively new direction, based on intervention using catheters inserted into the body through a small puncture, that helps to avoid traumatic procedure of craniotomy. The indications can be the following pathologies of cerebral vessels:
- Stroke
- Stenosis
- Damage
- Aneurysm
- Arteriovenous malformations
The procedure can also be performed to remove some types of intracranial neoplasms
Recently, catheterization has been used to treat retinoblastoma by injecting concentrated chemotherapy drugs directly into the artery of the eye, bypassing the bloodstream and digestive system, thus results completely in ruling out the side effects and increasing the direct effect.
Operations on the spinal cord
Catheters are often used by neurosurgeons to treat pain that occurs when the vertebrae are damaged because of osteoporosis: a hardening substance, such as bone cement, is injected through the catheter into the damaged vertebra.
Deep stimulation (DBS)
DBS is carried out using the implantation of a subcutaneous electrical stimulator, the electrodes of which are brought to certain areas of the brain to correct its function by means of electrical impulses. It is used to treat Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.
Functional neurosurgery
Within the network of our hospitals, the intervention of functional neurosurgery is utilized frequently, serving as a cornerstone of our commitment to providing exceptional patient care. When surgical exposure is carried out in the vicinity of areas responsible for various functions of the body, it becomes necessary to do intervention and remove the pathologic tissue under local anesthesia using the awake craniotomy method. The patient is fully conscious, according to his reaction, the neurosurgeon assesses the danger of harming the brain area. Such procedures are performed by neurosurgeons of the highest class, brilliantly practicing a special ultra-modern functional MRI (FMRI), which helps to accurately localize the signal processing zones coming from various sense organs.
The department successfully reconstructs skull bones damaged after trauma or during a previous operation, using a bone fragment transplantation with the patient’s material or an artificial implant.
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